Sunday 6 July 2014

Raw Blood Sugar Bites

What about those times in the day when you need a snack? When you haven't eaten in a while, are hungry and maybe it's not quite time for a full meal yet? What if you've just decided to go for a workout and need something to tie you over...or maybe you've just come back from a run?

What should you eat??

Something not too big. 
Not unhealthy. 
Not chalked full of processed junk.

All you need to make this snack is a blender, some dried fruit and your favourite nuts or seeds.

I have chosen to use pumpkin seeds since they are high in iron, and I could use the extra iron in my diet! Also, they have a good amount of magnesium- everyone needs that!

What dried fruit to use? Take a look at this link which gives you a good run down of the benefits and nutritional contents of popular dried fruits. Interestingly, a 1/2-cup serving of dried fruit equals 1 cup of fresh fruit. I'm going to be using apricots which have a low glycemic index of 30 to 32. I have used dried prunes before because of their sweetness and lower sugar content than say, dates, and in this recipe I'll use them again (Prunes also have a low glycemic index of 29).

But wait...what is the glycemic index??

"The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking of carbohydrates on a scale from 0 to 100 according to the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels after eating. Foods with a high GI are those which are rapidly digested and absorbed and result in marked fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Low-GI foods, by virtue of their slow digestion and absorption, produce gradual rises in blood sugar and insulin levels, and have proven benefits for health. Low GI diets have been shown to improve both glucose and lipid levels in people with diabetes (type 1 and type 2). They have benefits for weight control because they help control appetite and delay hunger. Low GI diets also reduce insulin levels and insulin resistance."

But first, Cookin Tunes:

Until the Sun Burns Out [Greg Sczebel]
This I Believe [Hillsong]
Calvary [Hillsong]

So here you go. A Raw-No added sugar- No bake- Easy- Peasy- Snack. Yum!

Raw Blood Sugar Bites

10 pitted dried prunes
10 dried apricots
1/2 cup unsalted pumpkin seeds
2 tbsp almond butter
4-5 tbsp cold water
1 cup quick oats

1. Combine the prunes, apricots, almond butter and pumpkin seeds in a high speed blender

2. Turn on the blender, starting on low speed and slowly increasing the speed.

3. Add 2 tbsp of cold water to the mixture. The mixture will be very thick and you must either periodically turn the blender on and off to stir it, use a tamper or use a hand blender.

4. When combined, move the mixture into a bowl and add the remaining tbsps of water and the quick oats. It is important to use quick oats so that they adequately absorb the moisture quickly and the bites are not too grainy. If necessary, add more cold water.

5. Shape into cookie-like circles or balls and place on parchment paper, on a metal baking tray.

6. Place the tray into the freezer to allow the bites to set and harden.

7. When you need a snack, have a bite! :)

1 comment:

  1. Insightful comments, Hannah. But I was too distracted by the yummy pics. Nice job! Uncle T


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