Saturday 21 March 2015

Do you know the [English] Muffin Man?

The English know their carbs.

Crumpets, meat pies, scones and tea cakes. YUM.
English muffins are a staple breakfast food! To me, I feel like they're a fancier version of toast and with simple jam or butter, you've got yourself a delicious and satisfying breakfast or snack with tea.

Sauteed kale, asparagus and soft poached eggs with my favorite Bajan hot sauce. YUM. 

What would you put on your english muffin? Eggs? Turkey? Ham? Tofu? There's endless possibilities!

Random facts from Wiki?

A"s a form of 'enriched bread' they are thought to have been introduced by French Huguenot immigrants such as Sally Lunn; a type of teacake or sweetened muffin. The word itself is thought to be Low German muffen meaning 'little cakes'.[4] In the past, muffins were sold bystreethawkers door to door as a snack bread before most houses were provided with ovens in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, giving rise to the traditional song "Do you know the Muffin Man?" (who famously lives on Drury Lane in London). "

I've made them only a few times but I can't say I'd ever buy them in a store again! So easy and so delicious. Also, they are so satisfying to make because they look very impressive :D I adapted the recipe savorysimple.

4 cups whole wheat flour*
1 cup ground flax
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp instant yeast
7/4 cups water

*swap out the flax for flour if you don't have any ground flax :)

1. Combine water and yeast in standing mixer bowl. Make sure that the yeast dissolves (stir slightly)
2. Combine flour, flax, salt, sugar, baking soda in dry mixing bowl.
3. Preheat the oven to 325F. Turn on the stand mixer (on 2 or low) and gradually add the dry ingredients to the yeast. Once fully added, let knead for ~10 minutes or until the dough is elastic-feeling.
4. Turn the dough out onto a floured counter and form into a uniform, smooth ball. Place in oiled bowl covered in cling film to proof for 30 minutes (or until double in size)
5. Turn the dough out and roll until about 1 inch thick.
6. Using a round cookie cutter (or another cutting device- cup?) make the English muffin rounds. Place them onto a parchment lined baking sheet.
7. Let proof for 20 minutes.
8. In a non-stick skillet, cook each side of the muffins until golden brown (about 3 minutes on each side). This givens them their characteristic look!
9. Place in the oven and cook for about 15 minutes.
10. Top with soft poached or scrambled eggs, a berry compote or with good ol' fashioned butter.

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