Thursday 10 April 2014

Larabar...well sort of.

You ever eaten a Larabar? They are quite popular nowadays. They are gluten free, kosher and entirely plant-based so vegans and vegetarians are in the clear when eating them. There are a billion different types of bars ranging from 'carrot cake' to 'chocolate chip cookie dough'.

Most of the bars are date- based combined with various nuts and spices. It gives them a lovely taste and texture! The ingredients are actually listed as pictures on the website championing their all-natural, whole-foods philosophy that so many customers love- me included. Each bar contains no more than 9 ingredients and the ingredients can even be listed with simple pictures on their website (i.e. the bars contain minimally processed ingredients).

The only thingggg is that they are kind of pricey. One bar is about $1.79...If you have one here and there, well your pocket book could be taking a hit that really could be avoided by simply....*drum roll*....making your own!

So I introduce to you my version of the Larabar...the "Hannah-bar" :)

I tend to use dried figs rather than dates because they have significantly less sugar and still have a fantastic taste and creamy texture when blended. The nuts that you use in your version is completely up to you- I like pecans but feel free to use almonds, walnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, or a combination! Also, roasting the nuts in a stovetop pan prior to incorporating them gives them an even richer, fabulous flavour.

To Roast Nuts:

1. Add nuts to frying pan or another stove top pan
2. Turn on medium heat
3. Flip the nuts after ~2-3 minutes. Stir them around in another 2-3 minutes. Repeat until the nuts are a deeper brown.
4. Bam! Done! Remove from heat and set aside for cooking with later on!

Fig Pecan "Hannah-Bar" 

1.5 cups dried whole figs
3/4 cup dried prunes
1/2 cup whole flax seeds
1.5 cup pecans

1. Combine ingredients in high powered blender. Gradually increase the speed until the mixture is a thick paste.

2. Empty onto parchment paper and spread into 0.5 inch sheet. Fold over the parchment paper and flatten the mixture with a baking sheet in order to get a uniform thickness. 

3. Place in freezer for 10-20 minutes until firm.

4. Cut into small bars and enjoy! I store mine in the fridge to keep them at their best!

Cookin' Tunes:

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