Friday 31 October 2014

Rich Tomato Soup for the Poor Student

I love tomato soup.

I love Autumn.

I love when those two things combine and I get to enjoy a yummy bowl of soup on a crisp Autumn day.

Here's my take on homemade, fast, easy, yummy, cheap tomato soup. It literally takes 10 minutes to make and the ingredients might already be found in your pantry! The recipe keeps the sodium down (often really high in canned soups) and the delicious level up. :D

Enjoy with a homemade dinner roll or a piece of French Baguette found here!

Cookin' Tunes:
Awesome is He [Luke Hellebronth]
Can't Stop Your Love [Ben Cantelon]
Only Hope I've Got [Ellie Holcomb]

Rich Tomato Soup

1 Large sweet onion
2 tbsp Olive oil

1 Can roasted Tomatoes (without spices added)
1 tbsp Smoked or regular paprika
1 tbsp Cayenne pepper (optional)
1 cup Water

1 bunch fresh cilantro
1 tbsp plain, reduced fat yogurt
salt and pepper to taste

1. Place olive oil and diced sweet onion in a large soup pot. With the lid on, sweat the onions until they are soft. stirring occasionally.
2.  Add the roasted tomatoes, paprika and cayenne pepper. Add water and let cook at a boil for about 10 minutes. 

3. Turn the heat down and using an emulsion blender (or by transferring to a stand blender), combine blend until smooth.

4. Continue heating until you're ready to eat
5. Serve with fresh cilantro and a big dollop of yogurt on top to add some creaminess.
6. Enjoy!

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